Hola people,
It's me again. I'm still alive and working and hopefully I'm still the same.
I'll tell you one thing though, school is TOUGH.
I'm not going to be explaining that though. I've had an idea of sorts for a while now and I'm going to put that out for the world to see.
I hate that word, especially because it has happened to me, it is happening to me and might happen to me in the future too.
Fat- shaming is quite common here in India, when you come to think of it.
It may be by your parents, grand parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, great aunts, school friends, classmates, teachers and so on.
My advice? Don't give a shit about what they say.
A person has the right to be however they want. Who are they to comment that you are fat? And besides, it's not like you're making them fat.
If they say they get an eyesore because of you, patiently go and get them some eye drops and a mask to wear so that they can protect their eyes.
Why should you change?
Movements against fat- shaming have increased in number around the world.
The sad part is, most people in India don't know about it.
Celebrities all over the world have voiced their opinion that avoiding people because they are fat is worse than racism and caste-ism put together.
I ask you, if people mute swear words on TV, why isn't there a similar ban on words like fat?
People often think that people get motivated to become fit when they are fat- shamed.
That's WRONG and STUPID, because fat- shaming reduces a person's sense of self- worth.
It makes them question why they even live.
It makes them question whether they'd get that perfect fairytale every thin girl in the movies gets.
I'll tell you one thing though, sometimes the so called 'fat' people are more healthier than those stick- thin girls who live on water and raw vegetables every day.
Did you know that living on only water and raw vegetables equates you to a cow or any other herbivore for that matter?
People might think that fat people don't feel much emotions because they seem to brush off every rude comment that someone makes.
I ask them, would they be alright if someone always seems to point out that they are fat?
Would they act like they're brave or would they break down on the spot only to warrant more ridicule?
It's tough being the way you want in a society that seems to have a pre-defined notion of what being perfect means.
Simply put, if you want to be the way you want, you get ridiculed.
I was looking at the newspaper and the picture of the winners of a beauty pageant was put up.
It was the same old story.
Perfect parlor made hair that flowed down, stick thin legs and hands that were probably waxed in a very famous parlor for probably Rs. 10000, dresses that barely came to half their thighs and flawless facial done faces with glowing lipsticks and false eyelashes and smooth complexions.
The ideas of beauty are so deep- rooted in our minds and society that people fail to recognize the everyday beauties who go out in the sun with zero make up and thick hair braided and curvy bodies hidden inside their clothes and shawls.
God made every girl different. You can't be me, I can't be you and I'm glad I'm me because, under this fat and unmanageable hair, there's a person, a soul that calls out to similar ones.
Why should I care if someone thinks I'm fat or if someone thinks I'm unworthy. I know I'm worth what I ask. I won't sell myself low and so should you.
Next time when someone says you are fat tell them that you're glad that you aren't sickly and stick- thin. The world will be comfortable with you only if you are comfortable being you.
It's me again. I'm still alive and working and hopefully I'm still the same.
I'll tell you one thing though, school is TOUGH.
I'm not going to be explaining that though. I've had an idea of sorts for a while now and I'm going to put that out for the world to see.
I hate that word, especially because it has happened to me, it is happening to me and might happen to me in the future too.
Fat- shaming is quite common here in India, when you come to think of it.
It may be by your parents, grand parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, great aunts, school friends, classmates, teachers and so on.
My advice? Don't give a shit about what they say.
A person has the right to be however they want. Who are they to comment that you are fat? And besides, it's not like you're making them fat.
If they say they get an eyesore because of you, patiently go and get them some eye drops and a mask to wear so that they can protect their eyes.
Why should you change?
Movements against fat- shaming have increased in number around the world.
The sad part is, most people in India don't know about it.
Celebrities all over the world have voiced their opinion that avoiding people because they are fat is worse than racism and caste-ism put together.
I ask you, if people mute swear words on TV, why isn't there a similar ban on words like fat?
People often think that people get motivated to become fit when they are fat- shamed.
That's WRONG and STUPID, because fat- shaming reduces a person's sense of self- worth.
It makes them question why they even live.
It makes them question whether they'd get that perfect fairytale every thin girl in the movies gets.
I'll tell you one thing though, sometimes the so called 'fat' people are more healthier than those stick- thin girls who live on water and raw vegetables every day.
Did you know that living on only water and raw vegetables equates you to a cow or any other herbivore for that matter?
People might think that fat people don't feel much emotions because they seem to brush off every rude comment that someone makes.
I ask them, would they be alright if someone always seems to point out that they are fat?
Would they act like they're brave or would they break down on the spot only to warrant more ridicule?
It's tough being the way you want in a society that seems to have a pre-defined notion of what being perfect means.
Simply put, if you want to be the way you want, you get ridiculed.
I was looking at the newspaper and the picture of the winners of a beauty pageant was put up.
It was the same old story.
Perfect parlor made hair that flowed down, stick thin legs and hands that were probably waxed in a very famous parlor for probably Rs. 10000, dresses that barely came to half their thighs and flawless facial done faces with glowing lipsticks and false eyelashes and smooth complexions.
The ideas of beauty are so deep- rooted in our minds and society that people fail to recognize the everyday beauties who go out in the sun with zero make up and thick hair braided and curvy bodies hidden inside their clothes and shawls.
God made every girl different. You can't be me, I can't be you and I'm glad I'm me because, under this fat and unmanageable hair, there's a person, a soul that calls out to similar ones.
Why should I care if someone thinks I'm fat or if someone thinks I'm unworthy. I know I'm worth what I ask. I won't sell myself low and so should you.
Next time when someone says you are fat tell them that you're glad that you aren't sickly and stick- thin. The world will be comfortable with you only if you are comfortable being you.
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