Saturday, 31 December 2016

Why It's Okay To Be Unseen

Light cannot be seen.
This is a one hundred percent true, scientifically correct, FACT.
You can sense light, perceive it and feel the effects of it, but you CANNOT SEE it.

And you might strongly believe the contrary, because that's what your brain has been trained to think.
That being seen is what makes someone valuable.
And that something like light, which illuminates everything around us and gives us the power of sight, is something that just cannot be unseen.
Because being unseen is wrong and is a tell tale sign that you are unsuccessful, and light is NOT UNSUCCESSFUL.

Because, light is light and without it, we can't quite possibly live.

But the truth is the truth, and the truth is that light cannot be seen and there's nothing you and I can do about it.
Light, though it is unseen, is powerful enough to light up the universe.
It has the power to uplift spirits- the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel
It gives a sense of security and courage.
It gives one HOPE.
And all this, it does even though it's unseen.

We all have an inner light, a glow that illuminates us in the face of challenges.
A fighting spirit under a bright halo, a beautiful soul just waiting to be set free.
A light that will never diminish even in times of need and darkness.
A light that is unfortunately, always left unseen.

In a world where being seen is of top priority.
Where being successful is the main objective.
Be someone valuable, someone who even though unseen can make a whole lot of a difference.

It's okay if you feel that no one knows of your inner potential.
They don't need to.
Only you need to know your worth and continue making a difference.
And one day, you will realize that it is the unseen people who are the unsung heroes.
The building blocks of the future world.

For all that we might say that we can't see light...
We often forget that we can't see without light either.
And in a world of flashy colors and people, you have to understand, it is the light which makes these visible.
Colors, after all cannot be seen in the dark.

As I tell all this, I have to also confess that this is a relatively new thing that I thought about.
I am a person who comes up with random theories and philosophies at different points of time.
Few of them, I forget almost immediately after I come up with them.
But most of them, I keep on churning around in my head till it solidifies and becomes a personal belief.

And this philosophy, about being unseen is my most favorite one yet.
I like it especially because it gives me comfort.
That, whatever work I am doing, as long as I know of it, it's enough.
That I don't need external validation or recognition right now.

I have gotten over the fact that no one seems to recognize me.
I am content to sit in the background and let the other colors shine.
And I believe that my work, whatever I am doing at the moment will one day make a difference.
And I am willing to wait for it
Because, even though light is the fastest thing in the universe, it still takes 4.243 years to reach Proxima Centauri- our nearest star after the Sun.
(This was a random fun fact. It just felt right to add it here. BTW, if light takes 4.243 years, the distance is 4.243 light years which is approximately 40,000 billion kilometers. See? it is really fast!)
Sorry about that :)

So bring it on, 2017!
I have gone through the worst of 2015 and 2016.
I don't think you'll be more worse.

There are two important thoughts that I want to end this with.

"Once you've hit rock bottom, there is nowhere else to go but up"
Set your rock bottom level to where you are right now.
And start your upward journey, because you can.
And this might seem really fake, but you are worth whatever is at the top.
And all you need to do is put in some work to get there.

"Hakuna Matata- it means no worries, for the rest of your days, it's our problem free philosophy"
There is nothing that is really worth losing your sleep over.
There will be people behind you, telling you about your exams, how you need to work hard and all.
Yes, work hard but not to the point of becoming so stressed and worried that even the smallest of things sets you on the edge and gets you to burst.
There really is nothing, nothing that you should get so worried about.

And also one more thing.
I'm repeating myself from before.

Remember that light is invisible, it is unseen.
And the next time you feel sad or under appreciated or invisible, always remember why you're doing the job.
If you are doing it because you like it, then don't feel like you're invisible.
Feel like you are invincible.
That you are valuable and that you are making a difference, no matter how small or big.

Happy New Year amigos!
Have a great year and hope to be with you all in what is going to be a great upward journey.
No, not upward into Heaven or Hell.

Okay, this is me bidding farewell to this year.
Next year will be better.

"I feel it, in my belly"
- Santa Claus from the movie Rise of the Guardians (2012)