Thursday, 31 December 2015

Dreams... They'll Cheer You Up! No, Seriously

First of all...
Happy New Year everyone!
Let this year be better than all your previous ones put together.
It's currently 12 am in India and I am super glad that I woke up just in time to post this one.

So, like you might or might not know, this blog was something I started out of boredom during one holiday.
Now, it's become quite a passion for me and I'm very glad that people show appreciation for my writing.

Back to what I want to say.

I'm a dreamer.
I like to dream about my future,
about my life,
about my favourite on- screen pairings in my favourite TV shows,
about the latest book I've read,
about the movies I've watched,
about anything that makes me feel all fuzzy and cozy inside.

Everyone dreams, it's like the single most common thing every human has other than the fact that we all originated from a single- celled organism billions and billions of years ago.

Some dream of the success they're going to achieve in the near or far future.
Some dream about their secret love, actual love, non- existent love, future love, something like that.
Some dream about events that are going to take place in the near future (like meeting up with close friends after a LONG time).
Some just dream meaningless stuff.
And some dream that their worst nemesis just gets a transfer to another school. (Admit it, you've had that thought some time or the other.)
And some extra great people dream about the world and how to make it a better place and about their school subjects. (I'm sure I am one of them, sometimes.)

But then, everyone just dreams about something or the other.

Before you think that I'm some sort of weirdo to talk so much and still make some sort of sense, I'll tell you this.

I'm no different than your average fifteen year old girl from India.
I have almost the same wishes and expectations as you might.
And trust me, Santa aka Parents didn't give me any presents for my good, un- rebellious behaviour.
No actually, strike that. They didn't give me any presents at all.
Now, that's mean because even Santa gives coal to the mischievous ones.

Now, before we go off track, again, let's clear up some things about dreaming in general.

You can dream while you're asleep at night. (But, you won't remember most of it.)
You can dream during a particularly boring day or just any day for that matter while you're half asleep. (It's called day dreaming.)
You can dream unconsciously without even being aware of it till someone comes and waves a hand in front of your face. (Can also be called as zoning out.)
You can just dream. (Like planning about what you're going to do later in life or about what you're going to do the next day)

People might say that you have your head up in the clouds in one dream world or the other.
Be glad you have that kind of imagination.
To dream, is no big deal but to actually live there is like, wow!

Hey, it's more like a reality check and it sort of inspires you to go there and achieve what you had in your dreams.
Distraction? Not at all. More like a break from the Mean, Cruel and Ugly REAL WORLD.

Dreaming requires significant brain usage that uses up your energy.
If anything at all, dreaming means you have an active brain and an active brain is much better than a dormant one.
You DON'T want to be a living zombie.

Some people look like they're dreaming all the time while the others are good at hiding it.
In the end, everyone dreams, not just while sleeping but also while they're wide awake.

I sometimes find myself dreaming about a song's lyrics.
Want an example? "Oh maha Zeeya Oho Maha Zeeya..."
Does it make sense? Nope, not at all.

We all find ourselves in this situation.
Fat people dream of being Thin.
Average kids dream of being Whiz Kids.
Poor kids dream of being Rich.
Monkeys dream of being People. Oh sorry, that was a mistake.

Monkeys DON'T dream of becoming people because they aren't pressured by their peers to become one.
Some extra Seventh Sense seems to tell them that being human isn't so great after all.

Too bad, we don't have both the No Peer Pressure thing AND the Seventh Sense thing.
So, it's us poor humans with dreams that could probably end up ruining us.

If you've read my Accept Yourself For Who You Are post, you'll understand what I mean.
If you haven't, then do read it after you've finished this one.

As long as you dream of being a better, improved version of yourself.
Not the misguided way others and society want you to be.

As long as you don't FORGET your real world because whether you like it or not, the real world is where you are and you have to learn to deal with it.

As long as you know your limits and don't end up hurting yourself.
I should know, dreaming out of limits hurts like hell when it's reality time and takes a long time to patch up.

No seriously, it isn't.
Dreaming is your heart and mind's way of reminding you of what you actually want in life.

Follow your dreams because they'll make you grateful for your life and they'll make you feel great about yourself.

Life is all about challenges and dreams are a way to overcome them.
When you have a dream in mind, your path becomes clearer, your victory becomes sweeter and life becomes happier.

Dream, because it'll ultimately make you glad.
It'll make you feel on top of the world.
It'll be the best thing you've ever done.

Have a great year and life 'cause You Only Live Once!
Happy New Year once again!

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Accept yourself for Who You Are

Hey everyone!!!
We're going to officially enter a new year in a few days (two, to be exact) and I decided to end this year with a post.
Now as the title might or might not inform, this post is all about acceptance.

We all can start by simply stating the obvious.

One. You and I are not like super models nor do we have as much brains to become the next Super Whiz Kid. Yay, joy.

Two. We crave some sort of company that glorifies our achievements.
"Hey, nice game!"
"How are you soooo smart? I wish I could get so much marks in my tests!"

Three. We are essentially sort of insecure, even if we try to forget it all and be our own wonderful selves.
"I am wearing this dress no matter what anyone thinks or whispers."
"Hey does this dress look OK?"

Four. We can be selfish sometimes.
"Hey! That was the last chocolate and it was MINE!"
"I wanted to do that part..."

Five. We see every single flaw in our appearance when we stand in front of the mirror.
"Why are my eyes sooooo small!!"
"I think the colour red is NOT for me."

Six. We hate it when people talk about our negative qualities.
This includes me and I guess all you readers too.
I promise this is the last one.

SO, now that we've laid the basis that all of us aren't the perfect angels others might want us to be, let's start with another round of state the obvious.

One. We are beautiful and smart just the way we are. [Yeah, right!]

Two. Even though we want company that glorifies us, we like the company that tells us we're wrong, the best. Because, in the end, they're the ones who help the most. [Oh, really? Right now I want to kill the person who told me I wasn't good enough.]

Three. Even if we may get insecure sometimes, we are definitely strong enough to let go and move on with life as if all that fight against insecurity was easy- peasy. [Give me one second. I'm fighting my "easy- peasy" insecurity.]

Four. Hey, it's ok to be selfish. We are selfless quite a lot too. A person needs balance. [I'm about to fall off because of having no "balance"]

Five. Even if we see all our flaws in the mirror, we see all our good features too. [Mirror, Mirror on the wall. Who is the Fairest of them all? Me? Yeah, right.]

Six. Even if we hate people talking about our negative qualities, we use it to somehow improve ourselves in the public eye. [My negative qualities, you say? My right arm needs some punching practice.]

So, I know that my side comments make my actual comments seem false and stupid.
The thing is, those are the things I would think if I read all those.
And then, I would be wondering what I did wrong.

What I did/you did/you are doing wrong is, you aren't thinking as high of yourself as you should.
You should learn that while we may have our flaws, our highs and lows, our mood swings, our sadness and happiness and feelings in general, we are definitely US.
Each one of us is unique in whatever crazy way there may be.

We could sing horribly, yet sing in our shower every day.
We could dance horribly, yet dance around wherever we go, whenever we want.
We could be horrible at a subject, yet try to learn it in the hope that one day it will make sense.
We could paint horribly yet own artbooks and paints and paint away.

We can be anything and do anything because all those little quirks are what define us.

It's OK if you can't do something that everyone else can.
It's OK if you aren't perfect.
It's OK if you don't perform well in that one test.
It's OK if you hate something/someone everyone else seems to love.

It's OK if you have weird choices.

People judge you because they are so jobless.
Don't let their judgments change you from being you.

You like to do something, then DO it.
Don't worry about what people will say.
If they respect you enough, they will tell you if it's dangerous for you. Otherwise, they'll respect your decisions and act as your support till the end.

The thing is, you need to accept who you are.

Self- Acceptance is KEY.
It makes you feel worthy and makes you feel on top of the world.

Love yourself. From every single flaw your enemies notice to every single good thing your friends notice. 

Have a great year ahead!
More like, have a great LIFE ahead!!

Till next time, friends.