It's a perfect sunday afternoon. Slightly cool, just the perfect weather to fall asleep.
SO, you decide to take away some time for yourself. So you go to your room and put the music on at full volume. You are listening to an absolutely dumb song from your phone just for the fun of it. You listen to it and you then start singing it yourself too. Then in middle of the song, the song stops and instead a dumb ringtone blares out.
You very grudgingly pull yourself from your bed and take your phone. Some number is there. You accept the call and what you get is the sound of a voice in the background saying, " To get this callertune........". There goes my perfectly calm and peaceful dawdling.
You are irritated but promptly cut the call and then go back to your busy schedule of lying around. The song starts to play again.
Again, it stops and the dumb ringtone starts again. You pick it up. Your friend's voice comes from the other end. "Hey dude, did you complete that activity that ma'am gave us to be submitted tomorrow......................." Oh shoot! You remember it only now. You actually forgot how to do it.
So, you ask her "Hey di, what are we supposed to do it?" and the conversation goes for a few minutes on how to do the activity. But, as human minds commonly do, you start talking about something else. Sometimes as trivial as what you had for lunch that day. And, if one of you had had a great lunch, the conversation moves on to food.
And, you continue talking, then the conversation goes about another friend of yours who did this, did that. Common phrase? "Hey did you hear the news.........", "Hey did you see.............".
Then, you both start gossiping like old ladies in a park and before you even know it, its already an hour. Both of you haven't even started your activity.
Hasty goodbyes are said and you sit down at your desk with an expression that means business. You take out A4 sheets and glitter pens to do the front page. You are engrossed in that business for a solid 20 mins. You take it and run to your parents to ask whether it's good. Another five minutes lost. Time now 05:30 pm.
You sit down again to do the activity. You have a basic idea of what you want to do. Your mother calls "Kanna, come and drink your milk and have something to eat. Then you can do your work."
You happily go and another forty minutes is lost in eating and drinking. Time? 06:15 pm.
You rush back and start your work. You think about it for a second and the next you are dreaming about the TV show you will be watching after finishing this work. It takes 2 hours and you have almost finished. Your mother calls you for dinner.
The TV is switched on and you sit and start eating. Time? 08:30pm.
You continue eating and watching TV till around 09:30pm. You say good night and go back to your room. You again start. You finish in an hour. Time? 10:45pm. You decide to open the computer and check your mail. Trivial things occupy your mind and before you know it, it is 11:30 pm.
You switch off your computer and go to sleep at around 11:45pm. You sleep peacefully and deeply.
When you wake up on Monday, the time is 06:30. You have to leave by 07:30.
You make the famous Swiper of Dora fame's comment "Oh man".
SO, you decide to take away some time for yourself. So you go to your room and put the music on at full volume. You are listening to an absolutely dumb song from your phone just for the fun of it. You listen to it and you then start singing it yourself too. Then in middle of the song, the song stops and instead a dumb ringtone blares out.
You very grudgingly pull yourself from your bed and take your phone. Some number is there. You accept the call and what you get is the sound of a voice in the background saying, " To get this callertune........". There goes my perfectly calm and peaceful dawdling.
You are irritated but promptly cut the call and then go back to your busy schedule of lying around. The song starts to play again.
Again, it stops and the dumb ringtone starts again. You pick it up. Your friend's voice comes from the other end. "Hey dude, did you complete that activity that ma'am gave us to be submitted tomorrow......................." Oh shoot! You remember it only now. You actually forgot how to do it.
So, you ask her "Hey di, what are we supposed to do it?" and the conversation goes for a few minutes on how to do the activity. But, as human minds commonly do, you start talking about something else. Sometimes as trivial as what you had for lunch that day. And, if one of you had had a great lunch, the conversation moves on to food.
And, you continue talking, then the conversation goes about another friend of yours who did this, did that. Common phrase? "Hey did you hear the news.........", "Hey did you see.............".
Then, you both start gossiping like old ladies in a park and before you even know it, its already an hour. Both of you haven't even started your activity.
Hasty goodbyes are said and you sit down at your desk with an expression that means business. You take out A4 sheets and glitter pens to do the front page. You are engrossed in that business for a solid 20 mins. You take it and run to your parents to ask whether it's good. Another five minutes lost. Time now 05:30 pm.
You sit down again to do the activity. You have a basic idea of what you want to do. Your mother calls "Kanna, come and drink your milk and have something to eat. Then you can do your work."
You happily go and another forty minutes is lost in eating and drinking. Time? 06:15 pm.
You rush back and start your work. You think about it for a second and the next you are dreaming about the TV show you will be watching after finishing this work. It takes 2 hours and you have almost finished. Your mother calls you for dinner.
The TV is switched on and you sit and start eating. Time? 08:30pm.
You continue eating and watching TV till around 09:30pm. You say good night and go back to your room. You again start. You finish in an hour. Time? 10:45pm. You decide to open the computer and check your mail. Trivial things occupy your mind and before you know it, it is 11:30 pm.
You switch off your computer and go to sleep at around 11:45pm. You sleep peacefully and deeply.
When you wake up on Monday, the time is 06:30. You have to leave by 07:30.
You make the famous Swiper of Dora fame's comment "Oh man".