Sunday, 30 November 2014

Reform myself. A change in writing style.

As the heading says, this one will be different. I guess, I got too generalised in my posts. But hey! hello! Blog is my space and I decide on what to write.

Part of me wants generalised views and I seriously give in to that part quite often. I realised, I have to fulfil my other part that wants to write about me too. So, this one is for my other part.

OK, I caught that mind of yours, "OH relief, Now we can hear some true rambling than preaching!"
Hehe. Trust me, that's my mind too.

Ok first off, I shall boast and get ready to hear all my stupid rambling. I am a master when it comes to the Art of Babbling. I just got my master's degree in Rambling and Babbling.

Firstly, meet the girl with the IQ of the top 2% of population. Yeah, That's ME! I took an IQ test and my IQ was 143.

For those who know me, its no surprise I hope?!?! For those who don't, well NICE TO MEET YOU!!!

I am basically a very happy, optimistic and carefree person. I am short tempered, especially with boys who think they're the boss and girls have to obey them.

I am person who likes to crack jokes and make people laugh. Bless my soul. I am also very sensitive and even small things can make me upset. I am a very non- violent person who just uses the voice power to put my point forth. I have the loudest voice in class( including boys). I hate movies with killing, gruesome deaths, ghosts, dark, the sort.

I normally watch movies that are family and happy, slightly romantic and lots of humour. Romantic tragedies are fine with me too. Emotional books can make me cry. Like, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green had me sobbing. I read books, a lot and I am a very fast reader. Another advantage of a 143 IQ.

I like all subjects. I don't like too much theory. I am a public speaker and I guess I am good at it. I love dramas and plays and I love music and dance. I sing and I guess, if there is a choir in Indian schools, I would be selected because of my soprano voice.

I am a pretty good drama artiste and the characters I have played have always been the antagonist. It started in class 5 when we had the drama Perseus and Medusa. I was Medusa. Then recently again, we enacted Othello and I was Iago- the villain.

I love to eat different kinds of stuff ( all veg of course) and I am not a picky eater at all. I write poems, stories, slogans and recently started writing the screenplay for a ghost short film I plan on taking in May.

I think a lot of stupid stuff. I think of whether I had been Mahatma Gandhi and died or if I was person in Jallianwala Bagh on the fateful incident. I dream of becoming an animator and that my kids will see my figures moving in the screen and proudly exclaim "HEY, My mom is amazing, she made all those dolls dance on screen".

I love everyone around me, my mom, brother( younger), dad and friends.

Guess I told a lot about myself. I know that this should have been my first post. But sometime is better than no time.

Adios amigos!!


Thursday, 13 November 2014

Chocolate, Chocolate and More Chocolate

There are discoveries made everyday. And now my discovery is to be set on the top of the list.

Chocolate? Of course.

The various types, the textures, candies, toffees, chocolates of all shapes and sizes ranging from the small M&Ms to the huge Diary milks. HMMM! Who could resist the divinity called chocolate?

I am sad, grab a chocolate. I am angry, grab a chocolate. I am happy, grab a chocolate. I am just plain hungry, grab a chocolate. I am anything at all, grab a chocolate.

And why even bother about the extra kilos? What is it at all compared to the heavenly experience like eating something you adore, something like chocolate?

Chocolates or to be more general, candies are of many types. You have got the hard ones that you can suck on. The softer ones that are made of caramel that you can chew on. And the classic different types of chocolate like dark, milk and white.

And the best part is, each one is different and each one gives the pleasure of something sweet going down your throat. Sweet tooth or not, chocolate and chocolate flavoured ice-creams, cakes and what not are surely IN and are a definite way to warm up to new people.

When you visit new places, its great fun to eat the new varieties of candy and chocolate there. I for one, enjoy them. Some are made of real honey and some made of some kind of flour. Some made with coconut and some made with the common fruit there.

But, going "traditionally" what will be the best chocolates in the market for a variety of types of chocolates?

UH OH!!!
Looks like we got into trouble. Don't worry here I come.

Here comes the Great Yashasvi List of Best Chocolates!

Dark: Hershey's, Linditt, Toblerone, Cadbury Bournville.

White: Linditt( the one with gold paper is nice. Be sure to try out the strawberry and cream flavour and another flavour that says Fraise and cream( It looked like French but I think the spelling might be wrong because it has a different king of E) that has pink wrappings too) Also try the white chocolate you get easily in the markets. Technically they are for baking, but they taste awesome.

Milk: Hershey's, Diary Milk, Galaxy, Toblerone, Linditt but any company tastes good.

Caramel filled: 5 Star, Diary Milk Silk, Quality Street- Nestle, Mars.

Wafer type or crunchy bar type: Munch, Perk, Snickers, 5 Star Crunch.

Toffees: Alpenliebe toffees and lollies, Quality Street.

Gummy Bears, Haribo marshmallows and other Haribo goodies are for those with and extra sweet tooth. Also they make great gifts. There is nothing like buying a chocolate for yourself, or your sibling while going back home.

So go and fulfil the calling of your inner self.
Excuse me, but I think I heard your stomach growl. Mine did too.

Happy eating and don't forget to share!!!