Saturday, 25 October 2014

Day dreaming and confusion on confusing. How did it end up like this?

And a Happily Ever After...............................
"Who is going to answer this question?"
BANG!! I wake up. I look at the blackboard and whatever on it is Greek and Latin for me.
So much for a happy ending.
What was I doing? Daydreaming. As usual. I should probably go and live in that world. Its so much more happier and everything goes the way I want.

Seems like yourself? You're not alone buddy. My name is Yashasvi what's yours?

Well I can't say I am very original in my dream world. Most of it is bits from the loads of books I have read and yes I have enough to write a fan fiction. But, I am too lazy to even think about them all, let alone formulating them into a story and spending hours typing them. Its best my dream world is in my mind  alone.

Dream a lot. Think happy stuff in your dreams.

My happy world is different from yours. I will like different stuff and you will like different stuff. Our views may coincide or they may conflict. I can't say you're wrong and you can't say I'm wrong. But in the end you are who you are and I am what I am.

Why am I sooooooo confusing and why am I getting confused in the process of unconfusing everyone else's confusing ways? Are you confused?????

You better be because if I end up confused then you should too. Or if you are already a wacko, then I wouldn't mind you not getting confused as it is so very confusing already.

Where did I actually start this post? On dreams and now I am in confused state about confusion. Sorry I am deviating. But, when you have a hundred thousand brain cells in your brain, you do tend to deviate and get terribly confused in the process.

But, as I said dream a lot. You never know what form your dream could take and in the end, the dream you started with is not always the dream you end up with. Pretty much like this post.

So dream while you can and it isn't so bad to day dream in class. Especially when the class is really boring.
Dream, Dream, Dream Away!!!!!!!


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Boost Your Self- Esteem Or Go Roost In A Corner

Anti- depressants.
Must be the next popular drug in the market after the normal antibiotics and paracetamol. Depression starts, pulls you to the depths of Tartarus and its no joke or something that can be cured be medicines. It starts to suck out all the happiness out of your life. J K Rowling's dementors in the normal world or should I say normal mind. And what is our Patronus charm? Our brain. Our brain is the only capable thing that can ward away all evil, self- deteriorating ways of our mind and give us calm and peace.
Yeah, yeah. I can hear that mind of yours. I must be sounding like an old psychologist who spends most of his time counselling young teens( LIKE ME). And it does help to have doctors as parents.
How to figure out if you have depression, or your friend or child has depression or is starting depression?
Frustration: Gets angry easily, shouts or cries without any reasonable reason.
Argumentative: Argues about everything under the sun.
Inferiority complex: Feel others are better than you in a particular field.
Laments over everything: Laments over studies, physical appearance or anything that happens to them.
Overeating: When the mind is upset it wants comfort food and it leads to overindulgence in chocolates, sweets or basically any food item. This causes weight gain and causes more depression and stress and is a vicious cycle.
Any two of these and you might be entering into early stages of depression.
How do I know? Been there and done that and today I am a confident young girl who even in the most trying of times has enough belief in herself to keep her head out of water.
And these are what I did and they worked wonders for me.
It always helps to get some consolation and self- confidence from parents, friends and yourself provided you are receptive to them.
Try to think positive and don't get influenced easily. You shouldn't get too influenced by external factors. You should have the courage to dust off any negative thoughts. Stand in front of a mirror and smile at yourself and think happy thoughts like " Today I have my favourite lunch", "Today I have good hair", "Today is my lucky day", " Today mom/ dad didn't shout at me", " Hey! I seem to have reduced some weight", etc. for five minutes everyday.
You boost your self- esteem or go roost in a corner.
Happy boosting!!